Master Tung's acupuncture, also known as Tung's Orthopedic Acupuncture, is a specialized form of acupuncture developed by Master Tung Ching-Chang, a prominent physician from Taiwan. This approach is distinguished by its straightforward techniques, accuracy, and impressive clinical outcomes, setting it apart from traditional Chinese acupuncture in terms of its theoretical framework, point selection, and treatment methods.
Key Characteristics of Master Tung's Acupuncture:
This system utilizes a unique set of acupuncture points, diverging from the conventional 14 meridian points found in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM).
It comprises around 740 specific Tung points, many of which are situated away from the area of concern (distal points), enhancing its effectiveness.
Rapid and Effective Outcomes:
Master Tung's acupuncture is renowned for its ability to provide swift pain relief and address both chronic and acute conditions, often requiring fewer needles than traditional practices.
While it employs channel theory, it also integrates a distinctive system of micro-systems and anatomical correspondences tailored to particular conditions.
Occasionally, this method incorporates controlled bloodletting for certain health issues.
A significant number of points are located on the hands, feet, and ears, which are thought to exert strong influences on internal organs and overall bodily functions.
The practice focuses on treating both the underlying causes (root) and the immediate symptoms (branch) of health issues.
Diverse Treatment Applications:
It is applicable for a wide range of conditions, including pain management, internal medicine disorders, infertility, skin issues, and more.
It is particularly effective for complex and challenging disorders.
It typically requires fewer needles to achieve noticeable results.
Patients experience minimal discomfort during treatment.