Acupressure therapy(Reflexology)
Acupressure is a science of alleviating health problems and a process of prevention and cure of diseases. In acupressure, good health is gained and maintained by regulating the positives and the negatives of the flow of the vital energy (Chi or Pran) and the body fluids. The affected organ (s) is set right to act in a harmony with the other organs and the whole body. Acupressure also has pain-relieving or analgesic effects. Ultimately homeostasis of the body is achieved by the cure of the diseases and setting various organs and constituents of the body to act in synchronization to one another. Acupressure is effective for the treatment of common ailments such as headaches, migraines, lower back pain, neck & shoulder tension, cramps, menstrual irregularities, insomnia, emotional stress, low energy, and fatigue. In addition, Acupressure is effectively used prior to conception, throughout pregnancy, and during labor and post-partum stages as it promotes the mother's well-being, emotional and mental balance, and relaxation. The art and the science of acupressure are useful for fast and long-lasting cures to various ailments. Even in the cases of chronic ailments acupressure has produced fast, effective stable, and cost-effective cures.
Foot reflexology, often simply called "reflexology," is a therapeutic practice based on the principle that specific areas on the feet correspond to different organs and systems in the body. By applying pressure to these areas, reflexologists aim to promote health and balance throughout the body. Here’s an overview of what foot reflexology.
Qualifications | Senior Secondary or equal or Practical experience in acupressure therapy. |
Age | Minimum 18 years. |
Correspondence (Distance) Mode | You can do it at home (Self Studies) |
Correspondence Duration | Two Months for Correspondence |
Correspondence Fees | 3000.00 INR |
Correspondence Study Kit | Postal -You can do it at home (Self Studies) .Our Institute will send you the books and chart Instruments by courier at your Correspondence address and after completion of course, a test will be conducted .Question paper via whatsapp or courier you have to submit the answer sheet for get your certificate. App-Through the Correspondence (Distance) Mode, we will provide books and study kits for our courses via our app under the guidance of our Acupressure Institution. |
Online/Workshop Mode | Online - Zoom App / Google Meet Workshop - At Jodhpur Institute or authorized centers. |
Regular Duration | Online - Classes by Zoom App / Google meet. (5 Days, Daily 3 session*40 min./Hours= Total 10 Hours) Workshop - The duration of our workshops is pre-determined, typically ranging from 4 to 6 days. |
Regular Study Kit | Our Institute will send you the Books. Chart Instrument by courier at your Correspondence address. After online/workshop class completion of course, a test will be conducted .Question paper via whatsApp or courier you have to submit the answer sheet for getting your certificate. |
Regular Fees | 6000.00 INR |
Syllabus | 1. Introduction Of Human Body |
Note |
This course can be done in both English & Hindi Medium. Courses can be done regularly, by correspondence, by Workshops/camps. Your one photograph, education certificate, & experience certificate are to be attached with the application form. You will be given a certificate after completion of the course. Fee can be paid by D.D./deposit of cash/cheque in any STATE BANK OF INDIA branch to ACUPRESSURE SANSTHAN, A/C. no. 32551925192. Boarding & lodging facilities will be provided at your own expense. If you are interested in practical classes (for internet & correspondence), the facility is provided at our Jodhpur center for three days on an extra subscription of rupees 2000 (for India) & $75 (for foreign). Charges for instruments, literature, charts, & books will be extra for regular courses. |
Main Features Of The course |