Sujok therapy
In sujok therapy acu points are to found on the entire body at various locations from head to the toe. These points have been used for needle insertion since the very inception of the therapy thousands of years ago. In the year 1987, a break through research by Prof. Park Jae Woo of Korea established that the human hands and the feet are replica of the entire body and exact correspondence of body acu points exist on the hands/feet. It is thus possible to practice acupuncture solely on the hands or feet instead of treating acu points located at various body parts. Prof. Park named his invention as sujok acupuncture. Sujok is a Korean word meaning hands and feet and sujok acupuncture refers to acupuncture using acu points on the hands and the feet. Sujok acupuncture has revolutionized the practice of classical acupuncture by making the therapy very simple and yet equally effective. The principle behind the new therapy is exactly the same as that of classical acupuncture. However, the needles used in sujok acupressure are much smaller than the needles used in classical acupuncture and are inserted superficially on the palms/feet at very little depth. The sujok therapy is not only simple but also extremely convenient to apply for both the patient and the therapist. Just as in classical acu therapy, if pressure is applied on the acu points on the hands/feet with a probe or a similar object instead of inserting needles, the therapy is known as sujok acupressure. The latter, being non invasive, is even more convenient. Sujok acupuncture/pressure, being relatively a very new therapy vis a vis the classical acupuncture/pressure being practiced since thousands of years, has yet to gain the level of awareness, popularity and acceptance as the latter. However, the type of acupressure followed by the Sansthan is in fact the non-invasive sujok acupressure and the latter has gained immense popularity in India through the lead given by the Sansthan.
Qualifications | Secondary or equal or Practical experience in sujok therapy. |
Age | Minimum 18 years |
Correspondence (Distance) Mode | Workshop - At Jodhpur Institute or authorized centers Online - Zoom App / Google Meet |
Correspondence Duration | Two Months for Correspondence |
Correspondence Fees | 5500.00 INR |
Correspondence Study Kit | Postal -You can do it at home (Self Stuides) .Our Institiute will send you the Books.Chart Insturment by couier at your Correspondence address and after completion of course ,a test will be conducted .Question paper via whatsapp or couier you have to sumbit the answer sheet for getting your certificate. App-Through the Correspondence (Distance) Mode, we will provide books and study kits for our courses via our app under the guidance of our Acupressure Institution. |
Online/Workshop Mode | Online - Zoom App / Google Meet Workshop - At Jodhpur Institute or authorized centers. |
Regular Duration | Online - Classes by Zoom App / Google meet. (5 Days, Daily 3 session*40 min./Hours= Total 10 Hours) Workshop - The duration of our workshops is pre-determined, typically ranging from 4 to 6 days, |
Regular Study Kit | Our Institiute will send you the Books.Chart Insturment by couier at your Correspondence address. After online/workshop class completion of course, a test will be conducted .Question paper via whatsapp or couier you have to sumbit the answer sheet for getting your certificate. |
Regular Fees | 10000.00 INR |
Syllabus |
Note |
NOTE: 1. This course can be done both in English & Hindi Medium. 2. Course can be done regular, by correspondence, by Internet or in camps. 3. Your one photograph, education certificate & experience certificate are to be attached with the application form. 4. You will be given a certificate after completion of course. 5. Fee can be paid by D.D./ Deposit of Cash / Cheque in any STATE BANK OF INDIA branch, to ACUPRESSURE SANSTHAN, A/C. no. 32551925192. 6. Boarding & Lodging facility will be provided at your own expenses. 7. If you are interested in Practical classes (for internet & Correspondence) the facility is provided at our Jodhpur center for three days on extra subscription rupees 800 (For India) & $ 50 (For foreign). 8. Charges for instruments, literature, chart & books will be extra for regular course. |
Main Features Of The course |